We have 88 radio stations playing Metal.
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Parisotto StreamBolt Thrower - No Guts No Glory Genres: metal |
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Classic Rock RadioDeath - Painkiller(Judas Priest) Genres: heavy metal blues rock |
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alien rocks radioAce Frehley - Space Truckin' Genres: metal |
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440Music Indie Metal Music Radio440Music Entertainment CoThomas Pecora - Liar [tx] https://metal.440music.com Genres: metal hard rock indie |
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HearMe.fm - Prog MetalProg Metal delivers complex rhythms, technical musicianship, and epic sound13-seventh wonder-one last goodbye.mp3 - 13-seventh wonder-one last goodbye.mp3 https://radio.hearme.fm:9240/stream Genres: prog metal complex heavy progressive virtuoso technical dynamic epic dramatic symphonic gu |
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RADIOO.CZ: Black Hornet Radiohttp://bhradio.cz Genres: metal |
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Hydra Rise - RadioRammstein - Engel https://hydrarise.com/radio Genres: metal |
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Dark HaVeN RadioMillstone - Promised land http://darkhavenradio.com Genres: heavy metal |
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HearMe.fm - 80s MetalRelive the golden era of 80s metal with non-stop classics from bands like M04 Jump In The Fire.mp3 - 04 Jump In The Fire.mp3 https://radio.hearme.fm:9200/stream Genres: 80s metal heavy hard rock iconic loud guitar solos thrash classic shredding power chords h |
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: RADIO-61-Voivod - The getaway (metalwar.gr) https://milbu-61.webnode.cz/ Genres: metal |
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Violent Forces Radio: General ThrashThrash Metal 24/7!Genres: thrash metal crossover thrash heavy metal metal 80s 90s 00s |
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: HardRadioJudas Priest - Hot Rockin' Genres: rock metal hardrock |
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Hair RockDeath - Painkiller(Judas Priest) Genres: heavy metal |
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EisradioEisradio - Sport Radio und Community aus Regensburg (Oberpfalz/ Bayern). BeJennifer Rush - The Power Of Love Genres: metal rock pop sport |
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ARK Radio (arkradio@gmail.com)Spiritbox - No Loss, No Love http://osegc.org Genres: metal |
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: RockRadioHardJudas Priest - Hot Rockin' Genres: classic rock hard rock metal rock blues |
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StationXPirate RadioADDC - Big Gun Genres: pirate rock rare cuts interviews melodic metal new wave |
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HearMe.fm - MetalEnter the world of Metal, where crushing riffs, intense drumming, and aggreRunning Wild - Lonewolf https://radio.hearme.fm:8560/stream Genres: metal heavy thrash aggressive speed death metal power dark intense hardcore loud screamin |
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FreshRock Internet Radio StationСвежий рок с приятным мелодичным запахом и драйвовым вкусом... \\ UkrainianTirdus - Green Divine https://freshrock.net Genres: rock grunge metal pop rock punk heavy sympho alternative gothic |
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Guerrilla RadioBlack Mountain - Echoes - Echoes - EP Genres: misc metal hard rock |
Metal (or heavy metal) is a form of rock music. It originated in the late 1960s and early 1970s mostly in england and the united states. Although its roots originate from blues music and psychedelic rock, heavy metal developed a much more heavier, louder and distorted sound with an emphasis on extended guitar solos and more upfront drum beats. Heavy metal lyrics and the presentation of the music are of a much more aggressive nature than that of other forms of rock music.
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