Radio Seren Looking A Volunteer / precentor

radio seen

New Member
hello all my name is Phil and i am looking for weekday show on radio seren a early Breakfast show Monday to Friday 4am to 7am and a morning show Monday to Thursday 10am to 12pm and a lunch time show Monday to Thursday 12pm to 2pm and oh so am looking for a morning show on Friday 10am to 1pm and Aftetrnoon show Friday 2pm till 4pm and i am looking for a Drive Time show Monday to Friday 4pm to 7pm and i am looking for Weekend Breakfast 7am to 10am i am oh so looking someone who can do cover when needed for a show. and We only play the music for the 70's,the 80's ,the 90's ,the naughtiss and the top 40 from today but NO WRAPPING MUSIC this radio station go to
live or per recorded show every week if out fail

and only the best radio Volunteer / precentor on the station and how i get on with

if wood like any of these slots you can email me


1. you must have a broadcasting softwre like station play list or play it live sam broadcast

2. you got to have an iphone or an android phone with whats app on

3. you need to be 13 year old and above to join the team


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